Thursday, January 30, 2014



Warbaahin waxaa loola jeeda qoraal ama oraah ku dheehan macluumaad.
Saxaafad waxaa loola jeedaa hawlqabad kasta oo saamaynaya maskaxda iyo fikradaha dadwaynaha.
Suxufi waxaa loola jeeddaa qof kasta oo ku hawlgala minhdad saxaafadeed
Wargeys waxaa loola jeedaa qoraal kasta oo la xiriira saxaafad xambaarsan warar dhacdooyin una gudbinaya dadwaynaha isagoo qoraalah
Madbacad waxaa loola jeedaa aalad loo adeegsado in lagu daabaco qoraalo kala duwan.
Raadiye (Radio)
Waxaa loola jeedaa aalad loogu talagalay in dhacdooyinka, maalin laha ah, wararka iyo macluumaadka loogu tebiyo dadwaynaha iyada oo hawada loo marinayo.
Telefishin (Television):
Waxaa loola jeedaa aalad leh maqal iyo muuqaal laguna gudbiyo fariimaha la xiriira saxaafadda.
Bog (website)
Waxaa loola jeedaa bogaga shebakadda warbaahinta laguna gudbiyo macluumaadka la xiriira saxaafadda.
Machad Saxaafadeed:
Waxaa loola jeedaa dugsi Sare oo wax lagu baro suxufiyiinta.
Wacyigelin :
Waxaa loola jeedaa hab dadka lagu baraarujiyo waxna lagu baro,ama lagu hanuuniyo
Abbreviations: ‐ (Erayo Gaabsan)
AM (Amplitude Modulation)
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)
CE (Chief Editor)
FB (Face book)
FM (Frequency Modulation)
GHz (Gamma Hertz)
ICT (Information Communication Technology)
IJ (Investigation Journalism)
KHz (Kilo Hertz)
MHz (Mega Hertz)
MM (Mass Media)
MS( MC ) (Mass Communication)
MW (Middle Wave)
FOE (Freedom of Expression)
NGO (None Governmental Organization)
PAS (Public Awareness System)
PP (Program Producer)
RS (Radio Signal)
ROA (Rights of the Authority)
SW (Short Wave)
VOA (Voice of America)
Qodobka 1‐aad
Nidaam guud
Qaanuunkani wuxuu qeexayaa nidaamka guud ee hawlgalka warbaahinta, bixinta ruqsadeeda iyo khidmadeeda.
Qodobka 2‐aad
Warbaahintu waa hab loo gudbiyo warar, madadaalo, suugaan, khudbado, macluumaad iyo afkaar kala duwan iyadoo loo adeegsanayo qalabka warbaahinta qaab qoraal, maqal, muuqaal, mareeg/shabakad iyo masrixiyad.
Qodobka 3‐aad
Qofka noqon kara saxafi
Saxafi waxaa noqon kara qofkasta oo soomaali ah oo ka soo baxa ugu yaraan machad saxaafadeed, Dugsi sare ama leh aqoon u dhiganta iyo khibrad shaqo ugu yaraan 2 sano, isla markaasna ku sifoobay akhlaaq iyo sumcad wanaagsan.
Qodobka 4‐aad
Aqoonsiga saxafiga
Wasaaradda Warfaafinta ee Dawladda Puntland waxay saxafiga buuxiya shuruudaha ku xusan qodobka 3‐aad ee xeerkan siinaysaa aqoonsi uu ku hawlgalo una fudedeeya gudashada waajibaadkiisa shaqo.
Qodobka 5‐aad
Xaqa saxafiga
Saxafigu wuxuu u madax banaan yahay shaqadiisa ku saabsan raadsashada wararka, macluumaadka iyo xaqiiqda la xiriirta hawlihiisa sida uu qabo qodobka 14‐aad iyo 22‐aad ee Dastuurka Dawladda Puntland.
Saxafigu kuma khasbana inuu sheego ilaha uu wararka ka helo haddii aysan liddi ku ahayn midnimada iyo nabadgelyada Dawladda Puntland.
Saxafigu waa inuu ku saxiixaa magaciisa dhabta ah qoraaladiisa iyo sawiradiisa.
Qodobka 6‐aad
Waxyaalaha ka reeban warbaahinta
Qalabka warbaahinta waxaa ka reeban:
Inay ihaano u jeediyaan diinta Islaamka ama diimaha kale iyo shaqsi kasta oo leh xasaanad;
Inay faafiyaan:
Warar iyo dacaayado waxyeelo u geysan kara nabadgelyada iyo xasilloonida, dhaqaalaha, deegaanka iyo danaha guud ee Dawladda Puntland;
Sirta Dawladda Puntland
Warar, sawiro, qoraallo liddi ku ah anshaxa iyo akhlaaqiyaadka suuban;
Qaddiyad maxkamadeed oo aan weli go’aan laga gaarin.
Qalabka warbaahinta waxaa kaloo ka reebban inay xayeysiiyaan:
Maandooriyayaasha sida dragiska(drugs), qaadka, xashiiska, tubaakada, khamriga iyo wixii la mid ah;
Waxyaabaha (daawooyinka) laysku qurxiyo oo dhalanrog ku sameynaya jirka qofka isticmaala.
Qodobka 7‐aad
Ruqsad iyo khidmad
Ruqsaddu waa oggolaanshaha ay bixiso wasaaradda warfaafintu kuna hawlgasho warbaahintu oo la cusbooneysin karo sanadkasta.
Khidmadda ruqsaddu waxay noqonaysaa sida soo socota:

TV‐ga maxalliga ah (local) $2,000 (Laba kun oo doolar) cusbooneysiinteedana $ 1,500 (kun iyo shan boqol oo doolar) sanadkii;

Anteenada war laliska xarunta TV‐ga $ 100 (boqol doolar) sanadkii

Oggolaanshaha TV‐ga caalamiga ah $ 3000 (Sadex kun oo dooalr) cusbooneysiinteedana $1,500 (kun iyo shan boqol oo doolar) sanadkii;

Idaacadda maxalliga ah $2000 (Laba kun oo doolar), cusbooneysiiteedana $200 (Laba boqol oo doolar) sanadkii;

Idaacadda qalaad oo ka baxda idaacadda maxalliga ah $ 3000 (Sadex kun oo doolar) cusboonaysiiteedana $ 1000 (Kun doolar) sanadkii;

Anteenada idaacad shisheeye $ 1000 (Kun doolar) sanadkii;

Anteenada idaacad maxalli ah $150 (boqol iyo kontan doolar) sanadkii;

Laamaha idaacadda ee gobollada iyo degmooyinka $ 100 (boqol doolar) sanadkii;

Wargeys $ 200 (laboboqol doolar), cusbooneysiinteedana $ 100 (boqol doolar) sanadkii

Websait (website) $ 150 (boqoliyokonton doolar) sanadkii;

Madbacadda dhammeystiran (Offset) $ 1000 (kun) doolar, cusbooneynsiinteedana $ 500 (shan boqol) doolar sanadkii,

Madbacadda aan dhammeystirneyn $ 500 (shanboqol) doolar, cusbooneynsiinteedana $ 150 (boqoliyokonton) doolar sanadkii

Laamaha madbacadda ee gobollada iyo degmooyinka $ 150 (boqoliyokonton) doolar sanadkii;

Rugta sameynta nuqullada (photo copy) $ 100 (boqol) doolar sanadkii;

Rugta shaneemada (filim) 200 $ (laboboqol) doolar sanadkii;

Rugta sawir‐qaadka (foto camera) 200 $ (laboboqol) doolar sanadkii;

Rugta tababbarka kombuyuutar gaarka ah 100 $ (boqol) doolar sanadkii
Qodobka 8‐aad
Soo‐saaridda iyo faafinta wargeys kasta waa in oggolaansho laga haystaa wasaaradda warfaafinta ee dawladda Puntland isla markaasna dalabka ruqsadda lagu muujiyaa mulkiilaha, qoraha mas‐uulka ka ah, magaca, nooca, iyo xilliga loo cayimey soo bixitaanka wargeyska.
Muddada ku‐dhaqanka ruqsadda wargeyska waa 12 bilood oo ka bilaabaneysa maalinta la soo saaro ruqsadda.
Wargeys kasta oo ka soo baxa Puntland waxaa labo nuqul oo ka mid ah cadad kasta oo la soo saaro loo gubinayaa Wasaaradda warfaafinta ee Dawladda Puntland.
Qodobka 9‐aad
Websayt (website)
Websait (website) kasta oo wakiil ku leh Puntland iyo qofka wax ku qora waxaa laga diiwaangeliyaa wasaaradda warfaafinta ee dawladda Puntland iyadoo la bixinayo khidmadda ruqsadda sida ku xusan qodobka 7aad faqradda 2aad ,dhibicinda 10‐aad ee isla xeerkan.
Qodobka 10‐aad
Madbacad waxaa loola jeedaa mishiinka loo isticmaalo daabicidda waxyaabo kala duwan sida qoraallada, buugagga; sawirrada iyo wax kasta oo la daabacayo.
Waxaa madbacad lagu keeni karaa amase lagu shaqeysan karaa haddii ruqsad laga haysto wasaaradda warfaafinta ee dawladda Puntland.
Dalabka ruqsadda madbacadda waa in lagu muujiyaa magaca mulkiilaha oo dhammeystiran, nooca madbacadda iyo xarunteeda.
Qodobka 11‐aad
Waxyaalaha ka reeban madbacadda
Madbacadda waxaa ka reeban:

Soo‐saaridda wargeys, qoraal iyo buug aan ruqsad ka haysan wasaaradda warfaafinta amase la mamnuucay soo‐bixitaantiisa,

Daabicidda qoraallo, manshuuraad iyo waxkasta oo wax u dhimi kara nabadda guud ama xasilloonidarro iyo rabshado ka dhex‐abuuri kara shacbiga Puntland,

Daabicidda qoraallo aan oggolaansho looga haysan mu‐alifka (qoraaga)
Qodobka 12‐aad
Lahaanshaha warbaahinta gaarka ah
Waxaa hay‐ad warbaahineed yeelan kara dawladda Puntland ka sokow, qof ama shirkad gaar ah oo oggolaansho ka haysata wasaaradda warfaafinta ee dawladda Puntland.
Warbaahinta gaar ah waa in ay la socodsiisaa Wasaaradda warfaafinta ee dawladda Puntland:
Isbeddelka kasta oo ku yimaada lahaanshaha warbaahinteeda sida beec ama wareejin kale,
Heshiis‐qandaraaska ay ka qaadato hay‐adaha caalamiga ah iyo kuwa maxalliga ah kuna saabsan hawlaha warbaahinta iyo wacyigelinta.
Qodobka 13‐aad
Hay‐adda caalamiga ama tan maxalliga ah waa iney oggolaansho ka haysto wasaaradda warfaafinta si ay u qabto barnaamij la xiriira warbaahinta, isgaarsiinta iyo wacyigelinta;
Idaacadda warka ka tebisa hawada waa iney xushmeyso oo raacdo nidaamka hirarka (frequency) ee ay u dejisey wasaaradda warfaafinta ee dawladda Puntland;
Hay‐adda warbaahintu waxay hawlgelin kartaa wariye oggolaansho ka haysta wasaaradda warfaafinta oo keliya.
Qodobka 14‐aad
Wariye Shisheeye
Wariyaha shisheeye, wakaaladda wararka, wargeysyada, idaacadaha iyo telefishinnada waa ka hawlgeli karaan Puntland haddii ay oggolaansho ka haystaan Wasaaradda Warfaafinta ee dawladda Puntland;
Wasaaradda ama hay‐adda dawliga ah oo dooneysa inay wariye shisheeye keensato waa in ay weydisato oggolaansho Wasaaradda Warfaafinta;
Khimadda laysaka (license) ee wariyaha idaacadda qalaad waa 200 $ (labo boqol) doolar sanadkii.
Qodobka 15‐aad
Wasaaradda Warfaafintu waxay soo saari kartaa xeer‐hoosaad lagu taabbagelinayo laguna hormarinayo xeerkan warbaahinta.
QODOBKA 16‐aad
Cid kasta oo u gefta amase ka hor timaada xeerkan warbahinta waxay geleysaa dembi waxayna muteysaneysaa ilaa seddex bilood oo xarig ah ama ganaax dhan ilaa 3.000 $ (seddex kun) doolar ama shillin soomaali u dhigma ama wadajirkooda (xarig iyo ganaax).
Ciqaabta xarigga ah waa la gadan karaa iyadoo la raacayo sida uu qabo qodobka 112 ee xeerka ciqaabta.
Qodobka 17‐aad
Waxaa la buriyey sharci iyo xeerkasta oo ka soo horjeeda amase aan la socon Karin xeerkan warbaahinta.
Qodobka 18‐aad
Sharcigaan wuxuu dhaqangelayaa marka lagu soo saaro faafinta rasmiga ah ee dawladda Puntland.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The hopelessness of youth in Puntland: half sailed and the other half are un-employed.

BY: Mohamed Omar Ahmed December 5, 2013.

photo courtesy: Abdi omar bile/archives
Back years in the history, Somalia was a place where the rule of law was respecting, human rights were upholding, it was a peaceful place and peace to its neighboring countries, a very productive member in the United nations and it was a land of which the youth were getting their part in the market of opportunities, regardless who they are, but what they are knowledgeable about and also they were given chances to exercise their potentials and such.
But, the Somali civil war had caught many people by surprise and shock on how was it that a nation and people that have so much things in common can all over sudden turn into a centre of tortures, systematic raping over the young girls, detentions of the innocent people in cells and the looting the property from one another, remember by people who are socially, religiously, color, or bloodily related?, such question, for us as Somalis, needs much concentrations and thinking.
Similarly, after the collapse of our strong government of Somalia, we got many names because of the failures that we encountered in the process, frequently, it is referred as a failed state and the United States and others as a haven of Al-Qaeda, but, personally; I puzzled when I hear such names and words.

However, in the most of the Somalia regions, like, the self-declared state of Somaliland, punt land, or the newly established state of Juba, there are a new born babies and they are booming with youth, that is to say our population roughly 75% are youth and 55% are out of the work environment since, they are the productive elements in our society in one way, or another, but there are no functional plans and Agendas on the tables for the youth in these regions and states and Punt land is not an exception.
  So far, the challenges of which our youth in Punt land face can be numerous and they can be looked at many aspects, but, Now, my focus is about youth who were left behind (under- employed youth) after they finished their studies on different areas and disciplines with Diplomas, Degrees and Masters within punt land and out of the punt land and I want to deliver out on this paper With their stories of how and why they were neglected and their will in the future and such as I go down.
Puntland is where we have local organizations, international organizations, governmental organizations and the private sectors are in place those are functioning, but, in my view and other students that they hire people with regards of some minor considerations like the tribalism, or otherwise and locally, the environment is not youth friendly, but, I want to hear from my fellow students of their responses on the subject of the matter.
 For example, Abdi Omar Bile, a friend of mine with a degree in computer science at East Africa University texted me this I am feeling proud to finish my first degree inside Somalia in one side, but, on other side of the story, I am not feeling happy and I am worrying, because, I applied more than 7 times to a different posts for a different organizations and agencies, five out seven , even I did not see my name on the short list paper and the remaining of the two times, they deviated the facts, still I remember how the exams and the papers were and how perfectly I discussed them, finally, I don’t want to end-up here, I want to go somewhere an look for a better  job. This guy told me some un- necessary words in his story, but I felt to omit and not present them on the paper.
Friends those who I interviewed with had different and tragic stories, this one Mohamed Adam Ali who has got a master in international relationships and diplomacy at Kampala international university in Uganda this is what he said now, I have a confident to handle certain work in relation to my area of specialization, but who wants to make my potentialities working, remember, if you go  our ministries and the local organizations here in punt land  work for those I knew their educational background  and this the final word I want to make is this, what lefts us back is tribalism, if we fail to sort it out, the youth will remain such situations.
Somalia cities in general is the home for the youth and Punta land is also the home of many youth who have something to it and they are ready to be positioned, but who wants to listen their demands and concerns, while, currently, the governmental offices enjoy and occupy by an interest- touched group of which their followers can get the advantages out of those offices and the rest are there waiting including the youth.
Likewise, a friend who decided not to display her name on the paper who has a master in  pure accounting shared me with her story by saying I am from a poor background family those served to me to educate myself first and then feed them back, because to whom much is given much is expected from, two years  is complete now the date I graduated from and up to now, I am under- employed and my family are worried about me on the fact that they sponsored  on me with the minimum resources they had, but, I am not going to surrender and looking for a best alternatives from God.
In punt land, we have a functioning political system in place for about fifteen years, where we were having from a regime to a regime with goodness and badness point view, and every candidate, during his comp gains, make promises on making things up and down and youth empowerments remain the top of them, however, we want a president who wants the voices and responds the demands of the youth in punt land in general without considering them in clan grounds that is about turning words into actions simply.
Sometimes, I call myself a youth activist in Punta land  and I am very proud for this work to help our younger via pens and scientifically written judgments for our leaders to wake- up and help us.
it’s shocking and sad when our youth are dying for hunger, poverty, and the most often demoralized  by the time they with degrees and masters, but, there is no doubt for them to join militias, or other being soldiers and misfortunately, the leaders and the business people  are just there watching and feeding their children and relatives, in relation this, the youth remain a productive members in our society, if Punt land  lose to utilize their minds and powers, I believe  that  it would soon other than later fail  and be an ash if you like.
In the wake of the youth in Punt land ,they also change their situations that they are in now through discussions into a new and better ones, currently, change they believe in which is good for their survival and the well-being as the figure there on the above illustrates as an example.
Finally, I want to say to the Somalia youth at large that wherever you go to business matters or for educational enrichments or go via dark journeys all the way to the abroad, but remember, the finest soil is the one of your home.
 As youth, we have to appreciate the resources we have in our land and, for me, I am Somalia, born in Somalia, but despite the challenges I do face in life, it remains my spiritual land.

Mohamed Omar Ahmed is a B.A in Development Studies at Puntland State University (PSU) in Garowe and a novelist,
 He can be reached at Mohamedkulan22@, or + 252-907593839.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014




  1. Ismaaciil Maxamed Warsame Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caddaladda arimaha diinta
  2. Axmwed Cilmi Cismaan (Karaash) Wasiirka Wasaaradda Arrimaha Gudaha iyo dowladaha hoose
  3. Xasan Cismaan Maxamuud Alloore Wasiirka Wasaaradda  Amniga
  4. Shire Xaaji Faarax Wasiirka Wasaaradda  Maaliyadda
  5. Sahra Siciid Nuur Wasiirka Wasaaradda  Dastuurka, Arrimaha Federaalka iyo Dimoqraadiyadda
  6. Cali Axmed Faatax Wasiirka Wasaaradda  Qorsheynta & Xiriirka Caalamiga ah
  7. Cabdullaahi Cali Ducaale Wasiirka Wasaaradda  Xaanada xoolaha
  8. Cali Xaaji Warsame Wasiirka Wasaaradda Waxbarashada
  9. Dr.Saadiq Eenow Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caaafimaadka
  10. Cabdirashiid Maxamed Xirsi Wasiirka Wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud
  11. Xasan Xaaji Siciid Xasan Wasiirka Wasaaradda Duulista Hawada & Garoomada
  12. Cabdi Ismaaciil Boos Wasiirka Wasaaradda Beeraha iyo Waraabka
  13. Cabdullaahi Jaamac Saalax Wasiirka Dekadaha iyo gaadiidka
  14. Anisa Cabdulqaadir Xaaji Muumin Wasiirka Haweenka iyo arrimaha qoyska
  15. abdinuur Cilmi Maxamuud (Biindhe) Wasiirka kaluumeysiga iyo kehyraadka badda
  16. Guuleed Saalax barre Wasiirka Deegaanka dalxiiska iyo duurjoogta
  17. Maxamed Xasan Soocadde Wasiirka ganacsiga iyo wershadaha
  18. Cabdiraxmaan Shiikh Axmed Cabdulle Wasiirka Shaqada. Shaqaalaha Dhalinyarada


  1. Maxamesd Faarax aadan Wasiir ku xigeen Caddaaladda iyo Arrimaha Diinta
  2. Cabdullaahi Xaashi Warsame Wasiir ku xigeenka Arrimaha gudaha iyo Dowladaha hoose
  3. Cabdicasiis Maxamed Adam Wasiir ku xigeenka Amniga
  4. Axmed Yaasiin Saalax Wasiir kuxigeenka Maaliyadda
  5. Cabdiraxmaan Cabdi Ismaaciil Wasiir kuixgeen Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha federaalka
  6. Siciid Faarax Maxamuud Wasiir ku xigeenka Qorsheynta & Xiriirka Caalamiga ah
  7. Cabdiweli Seed Cilmi Wasiir ku xigeenka Xanaanada Xoolaha
  8. Prof. Maxamed Cali Faarax Wasiir ku xigeenka Waxbarashada
  9. Aamina maxamed Cabdullaahi Wasiir ku xigeenka caafimaadka
  10. Nuur Axmed Yuasuf Wasiir kuixgeen Warfaafinta
  11. Liibaan Beddel Maxamuud Wasiir ku xigeenka Hawlaha guud
  12. Cabdullaahi Jaamac Aruurshe Wasiir kuixgeenka Duulistan & Garoomada
  13. Siciido Xuseen Cali Gees Wasiir ku xigeenka Beera iyo Waraabka
  14. Maxamuud Maxamed Cali Wasiir kuxigeenka kaluumeysiga iyo kheyraadka badda
  15. Cabdirashiid Gaani Cali Wasiir kuxigeenka Dekadaha iyo gaadiidka badda
  16. Cabdirisaaq Shire Ismaaciil Wasiir kuxigeenka Shaqada Shaqaalaha iyo Dhalinyarada
  17. Farxiya Yusuf Xirsi Wasiir kuxigeen Haweenka iyo Arrimaha qoyska
  18. Faarax Cali Cabdi Wasiir kuxigeen deegaanka Dalxiiska iyo duurjoogta
  19. Cabdirisaaq Nuur Cumar Wasiir kuxigeenka ganacsiga iyo wershadaha


  1. Axmed Siciid Cabdiraxmaan Wasiiru Dowlaha ganacsiga iyo wershadaha
  2. Cabdiraxmaan Jaamac Kulmiye Wasiir dowlaha jkaluumeysiga & kehyraadka badda
  3. Cali Yusuf Jaamac Wasiiru dowladaha arrimaha gudaha iyo dowladaha hoose
  4. Bashiir Cabdiraxmaan Xaaji Gurxan Wasiiru dwolaha madaxtooyada iyo xiriirka gobolada
  5. Dr.Maxamed Cabbaas Cumar, Wasiiru dowlaha madaxtooyada iyo xiriirka caalamiga ah
  6. Cabdiqani Geele Maxamuud Wasiiru Dowlaha duulista hawada & garoomada
  7. Cabdullaahi Jaamac Casli Wasiiru Dowladaha caafimaadka
  8. Axmed Ibraahim Cawaale Wasiiru Dowladaha Qorsheynta & Xiriirka Caalamiga
  9. Maxamuud Beeldaaje Faarax Wasiiru dowlaha Amniga

Monday, January 27, 2014



Our sincere appreciations go to the European Union for organizing this historic international conference for Somalia on the New Deal Framework for Fragile States. I would like also to take this opportunity to thank the E.U. for their generous support to alleviate the plight of the Somali people and for hosting Somali refugees during this difficult time of our history, and we will never forget your commendable support. Puntland welcomes the New Deal Framework, has held wide consultations, and has submitted its Development Priorities to be incorporated as a component into the New Deal Compact for Somalia.
Today, I stand before you humbled by the international attention on my nation of Somalia is receiving from the international community. I wish to take this opportunity to highlight a few important points.
Somalia has undergone through three distinct periods of history since independence in 1960. The first period of the democratically elected civilian government reigned for nine years. The second period was the 21-year military dictatorship rule led by Maj. Gen. Mohamed Siyad Barre (1969-1990). In the third period since 1991, armed rebel groups exploiting clan divisions violently overthrew the Barre government and Somalia entered the current period of over 22 years characterized by civil war and community uprooting, war crimes and crimes against humanity, refugee exodus, environmental degradation, unlawful exploitation of marine resources, national disintegration, chronic factional fighting over power, famine and humanitarian crises, international military interventions, failed interim governments, terrorism and piracy.
We are gathered here today to help Somalia emerge from this dark period of history. During 2011 and 2012, the Somali people – and the international partners who support them – worked together diligently to end the transitional process in Somalia, producing an adopted Provisional Federal Constitution, the Lower House of Federal Parliament, and the Federal Government. This marked a historic moment, as the Federal Government became the first permanent government in Somalia since the state collapse of 1991. Moreover, the Provisional Federal Constitution became the first constitution produced in a consultative process among the Somali people for the first time since the Somali Constitution was abolished by the military regime 44 years ago. This also marked a moment of hope and optimism that Somalia would begin to re-emerge from the path of self-destruction and national agony.
It is worth asking why did Somalia adopt federalism as a system of government? The answer is the governance project for Somalia has experienced many disappointments, as a number of internationally backed interim governments and transitional processes were ineffective or ended in failure. As a result, Somalia opted for federalism as it offers the only viable option to reunite the fragmented regions and territories of Somalia. Indeed, federalism is itself a model for reconciliation and prevents abuse of power at the center by a military dictatorship or a small extremist cult, that federalism allows inclusivity, and permits power to be exercised close to the people.
Somalia’s federal system is currently under development. The Constitution needs to be adhered to and reviewed, but the legal process must be followed according to constitutional provisions. The Upper House of Federal Parliament – an institution that represents the Federated States – must be established for the constitutional review process to commence. Finalizing the Somali Federal Constitution also requires the complete formation of the remaining Federated States, who shall collectively reach a negotiated agreement with the Federal Government on the

Statement by President of Puntland State of Somalia at New Deal Conference in Brussels H.E. Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole) September 16, 2013
  constitutional distribution of power and resources, clearly defining matters of exclusive jurisdiction, concurrent jurisdiction, and residual powers. The Federal Constitution in its final form must satisfactorily address autonomy for the States, whilst ensuring a Federal Government that upholds the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia. Until that final stage is achieved, the political decision-making of Somalia shall be shared between the Federal Institutions and the Federated States, for the benefit of the Somali people. In this respect, Somalia’s overseas national assets belong to the Somali nation and the nation’s rights must be fully respected in decision-making for the future of the country’s overseas national assets.
It is important to emphasize that the process ahead is long and arduous, and that we must benefit from the lessons of history and exploit all advantages towards building a new Somalia that is at peace with itself, at peace with its neighbors, and whose national dignity is restored among the community of nations. Parallel with progress on political settlement and stability, Somalia needs holistic socio-economic development based on benefiting from local resources responsibly, to overcome poverty, unemployment, and to stop the metamorphing threats emerging from Somalia. This will give Somalia the opportunity to grow economically together with the sub-region.
I regret to mention that, since September 2012, valuable time has been lost on accelerating the formation of the remaining Federated States, a critical requirement to finalizing the Federal Constitution, harmonizing it with State Constitutions, and conducting a national referendum. Somalia cannot afford to lose more time and bear more suffering, as the Somali people are eagerly expecting us to deliver on our promises to see a reconciled, reconstructed Somalia and peaceful elections by 2016. The Somali people cannot afford another wasted momentum – the country must go forward and we must deliver.
Since its inception, Puntland State has played an instrumental and constructive role by establishing institutions for governance, law enforcement and basic state service delivery in its territory and we continue to prevent the threat of terrorism and piracy in the region. Puntland has also contributed to the national peace process, by hosting national constitutional conferences and also hosting the exodus of people fleeing south-central Somalia. Our example will serve as a model for the Jubaland interim administration and future Federated States. Puntland continues to strive to contribute towards rebuilding a new Somalia and Puntland requires international support for security and development to encourage future Federated States and the stabilization of Somalia. To further advance our progress, Puntland has decided to implement Public Financial Management system, including processes, procedures, and other related items.
Somalia in its current situation needs the implementation of a Political Timeline Agreement of 18 months to accelerate formation of States, finalize the Federal Constitution, and fully implement federalism in the country. The time has come to unite behind a common purpose of pacifying and rebuilding Somalia and to implement agreed-upon principles. Now is the time for apology and forgiveness for wrongdoings among Somali communities, national reconciliation, and adherence to the rule of law in a spirit of genuine cooperation. It is the time to build a national cohesion for political and socio-economic development, which requires political will and courage of Somali leaders.
My national vision is the rebirth of a new Somalia that enjoys full peace, is a respected member of the community of nations, self-reliant, respects human rights and gender equality, that brings hope to its citizens and attracts the voluntary repatriation of Somali refugees. I envisage Somalia moving towards regional economic integration and attracting investment for economic growth.
As the President of Puntland, a veteran of Somali national peace processes since 1991, and one of the Roadmap Signatories to end the transition in Somalia, I make myself available to work together with President Hassan Sheikh, the Federal Government and other Somali entities to contributive positively to all efforts to reinstituting the fragmented Somali nation-state. I would like also to pay tribute to other Roadmap Signatories who worked very hard in ending the transition and producing a federal constitution.
Finally, I take this opportunity to remind the Conference participants that, while Puntland strongly encourages strict checks and supervision to ensure legal transactions and prevent security risks, we appeal to Western countries and the wider world not to disrupt the Somali money-transfer system, as millions of people in Somalia, in refugee camps and students around the world rely on the Hawala system for their livelihood and future.
In conclusion, I repeat my appreciation to the European Union and the wider international community and I appeal to you to stay close by the Somali people as we undertake these vital steps to secure peace and stability in our country.
Thank you all and God bless.