Two recent attacks highlight the continuing terrorist threat to Kenya. On March 23, gunmen shot up services at a church near Mombasa, killing six. Just over a week later, an explosion
in Nairobi’s Somali neighborhood of Eastleigh that a Red Cross official
described as a “deliberate attack” killed six people and wounded
eighteen. But the most dramatic example of the threat terrorism poses to
Kenya famously occurred in the fall of 2013, when terrorists affiliated
with the Somali militant group al-Shabaab, an official al-Qaeda affiliate
since February 2012, launched a brazen attack on the upscale Westgate
Mall in the heart of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. The routine hustle and
bustle of shopping was interrupted by the sounds of gunfire as attackers
swept through, shooting
mall patrons in the head as they did. The attackers retreated with
hostages and forced authorities into a standoff that dragged out over
the course of 4 days, killing at least 67 and injuring more than 175.
Analysts’ response to this attack points to the difficulties of
interpreting clandestine non-state actors: informed observers had
diametrically opposed views of what the Westgate Mall attack meant for
Shabaab’s future. It is clear that the group had experienced a
noticeable decline since its 2009-10 peak, from acting as southern
Somalia’s dominant military force and governing broad swathes of
territory to losing its final urban stronghold of Kismayo on 2 October
2012. But did the deadly Westgate attack signal al-Shabaab’s resurgence?
Some analysts believed that the attack was sign of weakness. Ken
Menkhaus, a respected Somalia specialist in Davidson College’s political
science department, described
the attack as “an act of desperation by a jihadi group beset by
internal power struggles and plummeting support.” Other observers viewed
the Westgate attack as a sign of al-Shabaab’s strength; Scott F. Mann wrote in Small Wars Journal that al-Shabaab had “proven its resilience and ambition, as well as the tremendous growth in its capabilities.”
Here, we analyze what can be discerned about the current shape of
al-Shabaab’s insurgency from data about all al-Shabaab-related attacks
that have been conducted between the group’s loss of its Kismayo
stronghold and the end of February 2014. We draw from a Foundation for
Defense of Democracies database that attempts to chronicle every
reported al-Shabaab-linked attack carried out since al-Shabaab was
encircled in Kismayo and stood on the verge of losing the city; the
database draws from both the English-language and also the
Somali-language press.
The Current Shape of al-Shabaab’s Insurgency
Several interesting aspects of al-Shabaab’s insurgency can be
discerned based on our data. First, the external evidence does not
support a maximalist or minimalist interpretation of Shabaab’s strength.
The group’s ability to conduct attacks since its defeat at Kismayo has
not significantly declined; in fact, it seems to be recovering its
ability to carry out deadly attacks. At the same, time, the pace and
lethality of its attacks has not exploded after Westgate. Contrary to
some predictions, the rate of al-Shabaab attacks post-Westgate has
slowed somewhat.
Since al-Shabaab’s defeat at Kismayo, the number of al-Shabaab
attacks carried out per month has neither significantly risen nor
declined. Figure 1 displays the number of attacks al-Shabaab and its
supporters have carried out per month: the red bars indicate the minimum
number of attacks al-Shabaab executed each month, while the blue bars
represent attacks that the group likely committed, but where
uncertainty remains. For example, on 24 November 2013, Hassan Tifow
Mohamed, the judge of Hurwa district in Banadir province, was shot and killed
on the way to his office. His brother told Radio Dalsan, “Al-Shabaab
killed my brother because of the work he is doing for the Somali
people.” It appears likely that al-Shabaab was responsible for killing
Mohamed, but there has been no claim of responsibility, and al-Shabaab
is by no means the only perpetrator of violence in southern Somalia.
Thus, this attack was coded as just a suspected al-Shabaab attack.
Linear regression shows a decline in monthly attacks, but this is
largely because the first month in the data (October 2012) also featured
the highest number of attacks of any month. If one excludes this first
month, the downward trend levels out significantly. Given that there can
be aberrational months in any sequence, the relatively steady, albeit
somewhat declining, pace of attacks provides little external support for
the notion that al-Shabaab’s capabilities are steadily eroding,
particularly when one takes into account not just the number of attacks
but also their lethality.
Figure 2 shows the number of reported deaths in al-Shabaab attacks
since October 2012. Due to the nature of the armed conflict, which
constrains the media’s access, it is difficult to obtain precise
casualty figures. Published reports contain contradictory information
about many al-Shabaab attacks, with conflicting death totals reported
and no final resolution. Moreover, there is no consistent rule about
whether a high-end or low-end estimate is accurate: sometimes the death
tally of a security incident declines over time because the initial
estimate of fatalities was too high (the 9/11 attacks are an example),
while sometimes the initial death count is too low.
For the amount of deaths al-Shabaab has caused per month in its
attacks, the regression lines show a slight decline in the maximum but a
slight increase in the minimum. The fact that the maximum is declining
while the minimum is increasing indicates that the number of deaths the
group causes per month has stayed within a consistent range.
However, al-Shabaab appears to have an increasing ability to
carry out attacks that kill six or more people at once. Both the data
(Figure 3) and our qualitative observations suggest that al-Shabaab is
becoming more capable at carrying out these relatively large-scale
Even though al-Shabaab had a rapid pace of attacks in October 2012
immediately after the loss of Kismayo, most of these attacks were small.
For example, on 9 October, a remote-controlled landmine targeting
Somali government forces killed two and injured five; on 13 October,
al-Shabaab ambushed Somali forces near Baidoa, but only managed to kill
four in an hours-long firefight; and al-Shabaab gunmen assassinated both
a journalist and a comedian in two separate attacks. Since then,
al-Shabaab has noticeably recovered its ability to carry out
larger-scale attacks. On 14 April 2013, al-Shabaab executed a
spectacular attack that targeted a Mogadishu courthouse. The complex
operation employed multiple modes of attack, including a bombing,
suicide vests, and gunfire. Twenty-nine were killed and fifty-eight
wounded. On 19 June 2013, al-Shabaab carried out another spectacular
operation against the U.N. compound in Mogadishu, using two suicide
bombers to spearhead a strike that killed twenty-two.
Such relatively large-scale attacks continued into 2014. In addition
to this qualitative observation, Figure 3 also shows an upward trend in
the number of attacks that kill six or more people. As with the number
of people killed per month, there is both a maximum and minimum
regression line, since some attacks are reported with conflicting
numbers killed.
Furthermore, despite Westgate, there was only a modest increase in
the number of deaths caused per month in al-Shabaab-related attacks
(Figure 5). If one excludes the Westgate attack, the number of deaths
caused per month has actually been declining (Figure 6).
This didnot mean, of course, that al-Shabaab either lost interest in
striking inside Kenya or lost its ability to do so. Rather, the decline
in attacks following Westgate may be attributable to any number of
factors. Al-Shabaab networks in Kenya may have shifted their tactics
away from the small-scale attacks they typically carry out, instead
attempting to more frequently execute larger attacks (a conclusion that
the most recent attacks may support). A shift in tactics in this manner
could produce the temporary illusion of a decline in violence.
Alternatively, these networks may have reduced their activities in the
wake of Westgate in order to survive the inevitable antiterrorism sweeps
that the attack would produce.
Some trends are discernible from this data. As previously noted,
al-Shabaab’s ability to conduct attacks has not significantly declined
over time, and it seems to be recovering its ability to conduct attacks
that kill six or more people. However, there has not been an upward
explosion in its capabilities. One inherent challenge
that scholars analyzing violent non-state actors face is that the
clandestine nature of these entities can make interpretations of their
strength and structure difficult. However, for a group like al-Shabaab,
which is involved in constant armed conflict against state actors, its
external activities will be more telling than for an entity like
al-Qaeda’s senior leadership, which has fewer externally observable
Our data does not support the hypothesis that al-Shabaab is on the
verge of collapse or that it experienced an upward explosion in its
capabilities around the time of the Westgate attack. Matt Bryden, one of
the leading Western experts on Somalia, offers the model that best
explains what our data about al-Shabaab suggests. In a report
published in February 2014 by the Center for Strategic and
International Studies, Bryden argues that al-Shabaab has been
reinventing itself. Al-Shabaab has steadily lost territory that it once
controlled in southern Somalia, and Bryden argues that its military
reverses will likely continue. As such, Bryden states that al-Shabaab
“is not playing to win, but to survive, subvert, and surprise—to become,
as T.E. Lawrence once described his irregular army during the Arab
Revolt, ‘an influence, a thing invulnerable, intangible, without front
or back, drifting about like a gas.’” To Bryden, this is a strategy of
necessity, but it is in line with the strategies adopted by other
unconventional actors. An old adage holds that insurgents win by not
losing. As Derek Jones explains in Understanding the Form, Function and Logic of Clandestine Insurgent and Terrorist Networks,
survival is a critical part of insurgents’ strategy because “a long,
drawn out series of seemingly minor attacks without decisive engagement
erodes the will of their enemies.”
Thus, consonant with this strategy, al-Shabaab’s military wing has
been avoiding open warfare with the better organized and equipped
African Union and Somali government forces, and instead the group has
relied on its intelligence wing to plan and execute targeted killings,
suicide bombings, and grenade and IED attacks.
At some point, al-Shabaab’s position is likely to change. Due to
military reversals, it may experience such a loss of capabilities that
it is no longer able to maintain its pace in attacks against its
enemies. Or, alternatively, the group may regain such capabilities that
it becomes more capable of engaging African Union and Somali government
forces openly. We will continue to watch trends in the data closely to
determine whether al-Shabaab undergoes further evolution in the future.
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross is a senior fellow at the
Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an adjunct assistant professor
in Georgetown University’s security studies program. He is the author
or volume editor of thirteen books and monographs, including Bin Laden’s Legacy (Wiley, 2011).
Henry Appel is a research intern at the Foundation for
Defense of Democracies, working with Mr. Gartenstein-Ross. Appel is
currently studying government and international relations at Claremont
McKenna College in Southern California.
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