One in seven children under the age of five, or 203,000 children, are estimated to be acutely malnourished. More than 50,000 of these children are severely malnourished and are at risk of death. Poor basic social services continue to undermine the resilience and coping mechanisms of the vulnerable people.
About 1.1 million IDPs in camps and scattered settlements need support to meet basic minimum standards including education, health, shelter and water, sanitation and hygiene services.
Humanitarians urgently need adequate and sustained funding to consolidate gains made in Somalia. While there have been incremental improvements, the humanitarian situation in Somalia remains very fragile.
In the first quarter of 2014, based on funding reported, clusters have received $31 million, which is about 3 percent of the $933 million requested.
The funding shortfall has negatively affected the delivery of humanitarian assistance and undermines the humanitarian strategy, which in addition to saving lives, seeks to strengthen the resilience to shocks of the vulnerable people in Somalia.
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