Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Report 0n the effects of the cyclone storm in Eyl area

This paper delivers certain issues on the cyclone storm hit in Eyl area, like the number of lives (both animals and humans) who died, destructed of buildings whether they are temporary or permanent shelters and the lost of the agricultural lands in the area caused by heavy floods with pictures and so on.
   Eyl is an ancient town in the northern Nugal province of Somalia and situated near the Hafun peninsula in the punt land macro-region.
  However, they were no accurate data on extent of the disaster done by professional bodies; therefore we are going to assume the bulk of the problem of the tropical cyclone in the area.
  Lives stock is the most effected part, where roughly 100,000 animals have been lost, which endangering the livelihoods of tens of thousands of the local people, since the livestock dominates the economy of Somalia in general and punt land regions in particular. 

To bear in mind, that the local NGos, international agencies and the government of punt land at least played their roles to tackle the disaster by feeding the people and returning back into a relative homes, but the level of the problem(s) by the cyclone and the arriving assistances don’t match together.
the effected people in coastal areas near Eyl need an emergency supplies of clean water, foods, medicines and emergency shelter materials and people of Eyl, everyone has a tragic stories to put across and  local authorities in the coastal town of Eyl as well , like this one is among them ‘’the remote settlements were badly and at least ten  people were killed and six others injured in the Eyl areas and the situation is getting worse and the people are confused” Faisal Kalif, the deputy commissioner of Eyl said.

Though, thousands of livestock died and hundreds of homes were destroyed by the cyclone known as the 03A and every problem, or any sector caused by the disaster overlaps to the other However, these nomads on the above fig.3 lost the majority of their flocks as I was interviewing with Absalam Jama known as Firdhiye told me that he had 356 goats, but he, now remains with 33 goats and  he was dramatically sad of what happened to him and wishes a best alternative from the Almighty God and yet again, I have an available  pictures for the dead bodies/humans due to the cyclone , but, I decided not to display them on this paper, because of the humanity and the ethical considerations.

In relation to this disaster, floods heavily occurred and destroyed many centers, for instance, the Maraya site’s water container is affected by the flood and now stopped to bring the water out which was feeding for this water container for the poor- nomadic family and hundreds of pastoral communities which were depended on the destroyed water container as a source of water feeding, therefore, the local residents need water supplier and water reservoir for their survival from the world vision.

The flood also damaged the agricultural lands in the area, since, Eyl is a leading city in the region when it comes to farming and livestock, where it has a good market in that sector for the cities in punt land and its people get an income out of that, but, misfortunately, the productive lands in area is affected and the people, now are in the middle of nowhere.

In the conclusion, every challenge/ disaster there is and would be an opportunity with it, because, the victims of this disaster got the world’s attention and assistances, but not that much regarding the incidents on the ground.
But, the followings are needed for recovery aspects:-

  •     Re- location of the people,
  •      An emergency food is needed,
  •    Health facilities and a clean water is needed,
  •    Re- organization of the lost of agricultural lands so that they can be positioned.
  •   Maintain the nutrition program
Finally, the sites where the World Vision (WV) operates in the area is required to respond the above problems as soon as it could.

Presented by. Mohamed Abdullah Yusuf(mulli)
Tell: 252907794592/7719593
Project assistant two, TSFP Program ,Eyl, punt land/ Somalia.

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